Ellis is ONE.
Her birthday was April 12th.
Yes, I'm a little behind on my blogging.
She wanted to party hard at her house.
With lots of friends and family.
And a whole lotta food.
I made her little smash cake.
And 4 dozen cupcakes.
She wasn't a fan of the party hat.
She loved her cake.
I think she got the idea.
Post cake bath.
Sharing the icing love with mama.
Everyone had a lot of fun.
The betrothed one year olds.
Andy trying to redeem himself.
He gave awful, dirty looks to E at his birthday party.
Cousins and friends.
Played bubbles, treasure hunt, and chalk.
In our very flat, huge backyard.
Love from Mommy and Daddy!
Happy 1st Birthday Swweeeeeeeeet Baby Ellis!